Scholarship Search

Use the options provided below to search for available scholarship opportunities. The list includes UML donor scholarships as well as links to outside external scholarship opportunities.

  • Category Search - Scholarships are assigned categories. This option allows you to identify and search the categories that you feel are most relevant to you.
  • Keyword(s) Search - This field allows you to search on keywords associated with the scholarship.
  • All outside scholarships begin with the word "External_" and contain a link to the company website to indicate they are NOT UML scholarships therefore you apply for each one separately on their private webpages.

  • You do not apply directly for the individual UML scholarships, to be considered for the UML donor scholarships you must log into the Portal (use the Apply Now button) and complete the General Application in March (unless the scholarship description indicates a different application is required).

Scholarships (612)